На сайте ESC о Российском национальном конгрессе кардиологов
The Russian National Congress of Cardiology 2014 took place in Kazan, the capital of the Republic of Tatarstan (24-26 September 2014).
Nearly 4 000 delegates from 191 towns and cities of Russia and 186 foreign participants from 25 countries gathered to share science, friendship and collaborate.
A comprehensive and challenging scientific programme listed 170 scientific sessions over four days and included lectures by leading Russian specialists and first-class international experts, including:
- ESC President, Prof. Fausto Pinto, FESC, Portugal
- Immediate ESC Past-President, Prof. Panos Vardas, FESC, Greece
- Presidents and representatives of National Cardiac Societies from France, the Netherlands, Finland, Serbia, Romania, Macedonia (FYROM), and Lebanon.