Servier Advanced Cardiovascular School (SACVS)

2020-01-30 00:00:001559

Servier Advanced Cardiovascular School (SACVS) - innovative training program involving skill development and mentorship that has been running for the last four years.

SACVS aims to improve the scientific status, skills and leadership capabilities of a number of rather young cardiologists from member countries of the European Society of Cardiology.

The program includes:
12 individuals, aged between 30-40 years, with reasonable gender balance, divided into two groups: six with an interest and experience in invasive cardiology and six with an interest in heart failure.

Twelve colleagues are selected from among those who express interest every two years, and currently during the period from January 25 to February 29, 2020.

Interested applicants may submit their curriculum vitae with a letter of interest, accompanied by a letter of support from their Professor / Chief of Department, to the following email addresses:
Professor Panos Vardas, email:
Dr Francois Camus, email:

The program lasts for two years, during which students will attend the annual ESC conference, as well as the EHF Association and EAPCI Association conferences, all with the support of Servier.

Students also participate in a two-day training session on cardiovascular medicine, the required skills and innovative perspectives in the field.

In recent years all students have taken part in two- or three-day courses focusing on continuing professional development. More specifically, they participated in the “Leadership and Management Forum in Cardiovascular Medicine” (Vienna 2016), in a course titled “How to Build Your Academic Career” (Ljubljana Medical School, 2017) and in 2018 in another significant course, entitled “Belgrade Academic Forum”.

We encourage you to consider signing to this course!

Servier Advanced Cardiovascular School (SACVS)

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