School on chronic heart failure took place in Saint-Petersburg

2019-03-29 00:00:001383

On February 4-15, 2019 the IV Postgraduate School "Treatment of terminal chronic heart failure. Therapeutic aspects of cardiac transplantation" took place in the Almazov National Medical Research Centre, Saint-Petersburg. The head of the school is Dr. Petr Fedotov, chief of Research Lab of HF high-tech treatment methods.

This year cardiologists, physicians, resuscitation specialists, cardiosurgeons, ultrasound specialists as well as clinical PhD students participated in the school. Not only doctors from Almazov Centre registered to the event but specialists from different regions of Russia, like Rostov-on-Don and Krasnoyarsk.

The school included 30 lectures by the leading experts in cardiology, transplantology, anesthesiology, immunogenetics, functional diagnostics, clinical pharmacology and pathomorphology. Special attention was payed to donor and surgical stages of HF treatment and cardiac transplantation in children and co-morbities after the surgery.

Participants also had an opportunity to practice their skills in treating patients with terminal chronic heart failure in the waiting list for cardiac transplantation and after the surgery in the Almazov Centre. 

The next V Postgraduate School "Treatment of terminal chronic heart failure. Therapeutic aspects of cardiac transplantation" will be held on February 3-14, 2020.






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