Russian Society of Cardiology took part in the ACC.19

2019-03-19 00:00:001283
Annual Scientific Sessions of the American College of Cardiology were held in New Orleans on March 16-18th. Science and innovations as well as daily practice issues were in the spotlight of the meeting.

Russian Society of Cardiology was presented at the conference by the president Prof. Evgeny Shlyakhto and executive director Ms. Anastasia Tanicheva.

The RSC booth attracted participants with announcements of the future meetings and lovely souvenirs, like magnets and Matryoska dolls. 

On the second day, March 17th, a ACC-RSC Leadership Meeting was held. There were discussed several topics including the future joint webinars. The first webinar is going to be conducted very soon - on April 6th in Samara. The second will take place on June 5th in Moscow and the third one in December in Volgograd.

Prof. Evgeny Shlyakhto moderated a poster session on heart failure and met ACC president Dr. Richard J. Kovacs, MD, FACC.

Next ACC Scientific Sessions will take place on March 28-30, 2020 in Chicago together with the World Congress of Cardiology.
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