RSC President Evgeny Shlyakhto is awarded with the Burakovsky Medal

2013-12-04 00:00:002245

From 24th to 27th of November, in the Bakulev Center of Cardiovascular Surgery in Moscow, the XIX All-Russian Forum of Cardiac Surgeons was held.


At the Event, RSC President Evgeny Shlyakhto was awarded with the Burakovsky Medal.


The award is given annually to outstanding specialists having achieved significant success in cardiosurgery and related areas. Leading Russian cardiologists were present at the awarding ceremony.


The scientific programme of the Forum covered a wide range of topical issues in current cardiosurgery, cardiology, anesthesiology, intensive care, and nursery.


Within the XIX All-Russian Forum of Cardiac Surgeons, the 12th All-Russian Scientific Conference on the History of Russian Surgery “Surgical collections of medical museums in Russia and NIS countries” was held. The conference was devoted to the 100th anniversary of N. Amosov’s birth and 10th anniversary of Museum of Cardiac Surgery at the Bakulev Centre

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