Prof. Svetlana Shalnova received Scopus Awards Russia 2018

2018-11-12 00:00:001566

Chief of the department of chronic noncommunicable diseases prevention in National Medical Research Center for Preventive Medicine (Moscow), Prof. Svetlana Shalnova was presented with the Scopus Awards Russia 2018 as one of the most quoted scientist in Russia in healthcare.

Official awarding ceremony was held on November 8th, 2018 in Moscow.

Shortlisting was made according to the number of author's publications indexed in SCOPUS in the chosen category during 2015-2018, average citation number on one publication and FWCI.

Number of published articles is indexed by SCOPUS database - the world largest multidisciplinary database with more than 23,000 scientific-technical and medical journals including Russian.

Congratulations to Prof. Shalnova with this prestigious award!

Source: National Medical Research Center for Preventive Medicine


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