Plenary session "News of cardiology 2019" at the RSC Congress

2019-09-25 00:00:001269

Plenary session "News of cardiology 2019" was held within the Russian National Congress of Cardiology in Ekaterinburg on September 25th.

The session was co-chaired by the RSC President Evgeny Shlyakhto and ESC President Barbara Casadei (UK).Specialists discussed latest trends in treatment of patients with CAD, chronic HF and tricuspid regurgitation.

ESC President-Elect Stephan Achenbach (University of Erlangen, Germany) presented the latest European guidelines on treatment of chronic coronary syndromes and new definition of the condition of CAD as the chronic coronary syndrome.

Lecture of ESC Vice-President Jose Luis Zamorano (Madrid, Spain)was dedicated to the definition and classification of tricuspid regurgitation.

Grigory Arutyunov (Moscow), RSC Vice-President, talked on the latest news in diagnostic and treatment of chronic heart failure.

And Lee Goldberg (University of Pennsylvania, USA) presented novel treatment strategies for heart failure with preserved ejection fraction.

The session was held with simultaneous translation.



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