Russian Society of Cardiology was represented at the 57th National Congress of Cardiology of the Romanian Society of Cardiology (Sinaia, Romania, September 19-22, 2018).
На конференции выступят руководитель социально-значимого проекта академик РАН Шляхто Е.В. и члены команды, которые представят основные результаты работ по мониторингу рынка труда в здравоохранении и формированию рамки квалификаций.
Russia was represented by the doctors and medical students Almazov National Medical Research Centre (Saint-Petersburg). Online broadcasting was organized directly to the Almazov Centre.
Date and time: Wednesday 5 September 2018, starting at 20:00 CET (Moscow Time)
In 2013 a group “Women in ESC” was created and united doctors, nurses, managers and patients.
In Munich Prof. Shlyakhto received the highest honour of the European Society of Cardiology - the ESC Gold Medal.
On August 27 and 28 special live sessions will be held within the European Congress of Cardiology - Breakfast Buzz.