ESC Congress 2020: National young groups virtual competition

The goal was set very ambitious: competitors needed to correctly diagnose the patient and base their therapy tactics on the latest European Clinical Guidelines and protocols.

ESC Congress - EMPEROR-Reduced study results

On August 29th ESC Congress was launched in digital format for the first time.

ESC Congress 2020 – The Digital Experience: 29 August to 1 September

For the first time every cardiovascular health professional in Russia can attend ESC Congress 2020 – The Digital Experience, starting this Saturday at 09:00.

ESC Congress 2020: National young groups virtual competition

Last year, 20 NCS young groups participated in the 2nd National young groups virtual competition during ESC Congress 2019 in Paris.

ESC Congress 2020: Highlights from the Scientific Programme

The world’s largest cardiovascular meeting – ESC Congress 2020 – is set to host the biggest online gathering of cardiovascular professionals the world has ever seen.

Competition of scientific projects on pulmonary artery thromboembolia (PATE)

Russian Society of Cardiology and Bayer announce a new competition of the scientific projects on pulmonary artery thromboembolia (PATE).
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