Mobile Museum of Health starts its work in Samara

2019-04-03 00:00:001231

Days before the RSC Regional Congress a mobile Museum of Health was invited to the city by the chief cardiologist of Samara region Prof. Dmitry Duplyakov.

School pupils and students of Samara will have an opportunity to learn how to measure BP, get familiar with the cardiovascular system functions and CV risk factors within the special training classes that will be held for 4 days.

RSC brought to Samara interesting and interactive exhibits, like heart models for individual studying of heart muscles, a costume of excess weight showing different stages of obesity, "drunk glasses" imaging the impact of alcohol consumption.

Teenagers will learn to measure their pulse and what causes its rate, try to hear heartbeat using wooden stethoscope and then modern phonendoscope.

A press conference was held after the opening of the Museum of Health. 

We hope to see all of you in our Museum of Health that will be opened this Spring in Saint-Petersburg and will work permanently!



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