MMM2021 in Ulyanovsk

2021-10-18 00:00:00883

In May 2021 the city of Ulyanovsk joined the MAY MEASUREMENT MONTH action which is aimed at raising public awareness about the burden of arterial hypertension and methods of its prevention, promoting a healthy lifestyle and increasing responsibility for people's own health, especially in risk groups.

The research coordinator was the Ulyanovsk branch of the Russian Society of Cardiology. The campaign was carried out by specialists from the Perspektiva Health Center in large shopping centers, city parks, villages in different districts of the region and at city manufactures.

Everyone could undergo complex medical examination and receive information about risk factors for arterial hypertension. In total, more than 150 patients who met the inclusion criteria were examined. Blood pressure was measured with an automatic tonometer according to the recommendations.

To educate the population about health preservation, volunteers provided everyone with healthy lifestyle leaflets; about risk factors, methods of diagnosis and treatment of arterial hypertension and heart failure. As part of the campaign, volunteers invited everyone to visit the Health Center, where specialists gave advice on various aspects of maintaining health, and also disseminated printed information about simple and affordable methods of preventing heart disease.





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