World Sleep Day 2014: Results

2014-08-20 00:00:002100

At the end of summer Committee of the World Sleep Day summarized results of the Best Event Contest dedicated to this day. Among all participants from the whole world 10 teams were chosen. And 4 elected delegates from these teams were awarded. Joint team from somnology group of the Federal Almazov Medical Centre (delegate – Lyudmila Korostovtseva) and their colleagues from Moscow (delegate – I. Zavalko). Chairmen of the Executive Committee of the World Sleep Day, Dr. Antonio Culebras (USA) and Dr. Liborio Parrino (Italy), particularly noted translated into Russian 10 rules of healthy sleep WASM, interactive lectures for school students and entertaining programme for children.

One of the winners – Australian Sleep Association and Sleep and Health Fund (delegate – Sarah Biggs) – carried out lectures in 23 schools of Australia and New Zealand, visited more than 6000 children and organized “pajama party” in several schools.

Also action of the Italian Association of Sleep Medicine (delegate – Liborio Parrino) was awarded. Italians were able to get information and consultation on sleep and its disorders in Red Cross cars in different Italian cities.

Sleep Apnea Treatment Centers of America (delegate – Scott Anderson) showed all their creativity: they offered to all passersby in Tampa Bay (Florida) to... sleep in a big bed just to answered a question: “What is your risk of breathing problems while sleeping?”. After all, in 80% of breathing problems in sleep are undiagnosed.


It is especially great that for the first time Russian somnologists received award in this prestigious contest that is conducted since 2012. Awards will be handed to the winners in March 2015 during VIII Congress of WASM that will be held in Seoul (South Korea).


Information is prepared by staff of the group of sleep medicine of the Federal Almazov Medical Centre:

L. Korostovtseva, research fellow

M. Bochkarev, junior research fellow

Yu. Sviryaev, chief of the group

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