Study: Docs in Dark About Complementary Therapies

2013-03-25 00:00:001889


Many cardiology patients use complementary medicines and therapies but they may not routinely share that information with their doctors, researchers reported.


In a survey of cardiology patients at one clinic in Scotland, more than half reported they used at least one complementary therapy, according to Jenny Jones, PhD, and colleagues at the University of Stirling in Stirling, Scotland.


But records suggested that few patients had told doctors about their use of complementary treatments, Jones and colleagues reported at the EuroHeartCare 2013 meeting in Glasgow, Scotland.


"In light of the potential for adverse interactions we believe that clinicians should routinely ask all their patients whether they use any form" of complementary therapy, Jones said in a statement.


The researchers noted that many popular herbal remedies, such as ginger, ginkgo biloba, ginseng, and St. John's wort can affect platelet aggregation, prolong bleeding time, and increase or decrease clotting time in patients on warfarin.


As well, they noted, hawthorn extracts -- used to treat symptoms of heart disease for centuries, although the evidence is still unclear  -- have the potential to interact with digoxin.


To help quantify the issue, they surveyed a convenience sample of 116 cardiology patients in an outpatient clinic, asking if they had used any of a list of complementary therapies.


Sixty patients, or 52%, said they had used at least one, Jones and colleagues found. The five most popular were reflexology, acupuncture, osteopathy, massage, and chiropractic therapies.


Interestingly, 77% of participants thought that complementary therapies and medicines should be provided by the National Health Service, the publicly supported healthcare system in the U.K.


And 88% thought more research should be conducted into their possible benefits.


The report comes 2 months after Canadian researchers found widespread use of complementary and alternative medicines (CAM) among children treated at two hospitals that were widely separated geographically.


In that study, Sunita Vohra, MD, of the University of Alberta in Edmonton, and colleagues urged clinicians "to inquire about CAM use during routine history taking at every patient visit."


In the current study, co-author Stephen Leslie, MBChB, PhD, said that a review of patient notes found little evidence that doctors knew of the use of complementary and alternative medicines.


"We found that very few people had volunteered this clinically important information in consultations," he said in a statement, "suggesting that they don't often disclose (complementary and alternative medicine) use to cardiology teams."



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