Всероссийская конференция молодых ученых «Актуальные вопросы клинической и экспериментальной кардиологии» проходила в г.Томске на базе Федерального государственного учреждения « НИИ Кардиологии» РАМН 29-30 марта 2013.
We conducted a time and language restricted literature search to identify studies conducted to compare echocardiographic parameters in patients with RA and controls.
The event is added into the Event Calendar. Cardiovascular International Cyprus 2013 is to be held on April 26-28, 2013 jointly by Hellenic and Cyprus Societies of Cardiology.
The increasing prevalence of heart failure (HF) and high associated costs have spurred investigation of factors leading to adverse outcomes in HF patients.
The prevalence of erectile dysfunction (ED) in patients with high cardiovascular risk (CVR) is elevated.
Randomized controlled trials in hypertension demonstrate cardiovascular benefits when systolic blood pressures are reduced from higher values to<160 mm Hg.
Many cardiology patients use complementary medicines and therapies but they may not routinely share that information with their doctors, researchers reported.