Does physical activity modify the relationship between obesity and atrial fibrillation (AF) in women?

Does physical activity modify the relationship between obesity and atrial fibrillation (AF) in women?

Electrocardiographic Changes Improve Risk Prediction in Asymptomatic Persons Age 65 Years or Above Without Cardiovascular Disease

Risk prediction in elderly patients is increasingly relevant due to longer life expectancy.

Hypertension self-management program linked to lower BP at 12 months

For the TASMIN-SR trial, Richard J. McManus, FRCGP, and colleagues studied 552 patients aged 35 years and older with baseline systolic BP ?130 mm Hg/diastolic BP ?80 mm Hg who had a history of stroke, CHD, diabetes or chronic kidney disease.

Aspirin reduced risk for recurrent VTE

После венозной тромбоэмболии ((ВТЭ) тромбоза глубоких вен или легочной эмболии) большинство пациентов принимают варфарин или новые пероральные антикоагулянты в течение 6 - 12 месяцев, после окончания терапии у таких пациентов остается риск рецидива ВТЭ.

INVEST: Older patients with CAD had better outcomes with systolic BP target <140 mm Hg

These results call into question the JNC 8 panel recommendation to relaxsystolic BP targets to <150 mm Hg for patients aged 60 and older, according to the researchers.

Impact of eight weeks of repeated ischaemic preconditioning on brachial artery and cutaneous microcirculatory function in healthy males

Ischaemic preconditioning has well-established cardiac and vascular protective effects. Short interventions (one week) of daily ischaemic preconditioning episodes improve conduit and microcirculatory function.

Eliquis OK'd for Treating, Preventing VTE

The FDA has approved the oral anticoagulant drug apixaban for treating deep vein thrombosis and pulmonary embolism and for preventing recurrent episodes of these conditions, according to the two firms selling the drug.
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