SynCardia Systems, Inc. announced FDA approval of a clinical trial to investigate a smaller version of its temporary artificial heart as a bridge to donor heart transplant in patients with HF, according to a press release.
Physicians should aim to treat blood pressure to a target of less than 140/90 mm Hg for the majority of patients with coronary artery disease (CAD) and hypertension, according to a new update to the US guidelines for managing hypertension.
Meeting Reception of the Working Group of Young Cardiologists
The number of live births is associated with subclinical coronary and aortic atherosclerosis in women, according to new data from the Dallas Heart Study.
Analyzing the link between obesity and arrhythmia, LEGACY confirmed that among obese patients, weight loss greatly influenced freedom from atrial fibrillation, particularly among those who lost weight and maintained it.
For patients with ACS who are unable to swallow whole tablets, ticagrelor is now approved by the FDA to be crushed and administered in water by swallowing or via nasogastric tube, according to an announcement from AstraZeneca.
A cardiovascular disease risk equation that can be adjusted to apply to any country with adequate health records, regardless of income level, has been developed, according to Dr. Kaveh Hajifathalian of the Harvard School of Public Health, Boston, and associates.