New deadline for abstract submission on the Forum of Young Cardiologists - January 25th, 2016!

Participants of the RSC Forum of Young Cardiologists in Ryazan have opportunity to submit their abstracts till January 25th, 2016!

Shorter time from diagnosis to ablation improves persistent AF outcomes

In a study of patients with persistent atrial fibrillation, a shorter time from diagnosis to first catheter ablation was associated with reduced risk for atrial fibrillation recurrence at 2 years.

ESC webinars - January-February 2016

We offer you to join free ESC webinars.

Infective Endocarditis Entry Portals

What are the portals of entry for organisms resulting in infective endocarditis (IE)?

European Atherosclerosis Society provides RSC members with grants to participate in EAS Congress 2016

European Atherosclerosis Society and Russian National Atherosclerosis Society conduct joint scientific, educational and social projects.

Collaboration of the Russian Society of Cardiology with Russian universities

Russian Society of Cardiology continues to establish and develop cooperation with leading medical universities of the country.
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