ESC Congress 2016 Pre-arranged programme is now available online! You can find a first overview of the programme already available now in the Scientific Programme & Planner.
This rating will help to choose the best from young specialists.
Эмпаглифлозин - единственный препарат для лечения сахарного диабета 2-го типа, который продемонстрировал снижение риска возникновения сердечно-сосудистых событий и уровня смертности от сердечно-сосудистых заболеваний (ССЗ).
Symposium of the International Atherosclerosis Society “Anitschkow Days” will be held in St. Petersburg, June 2-4, 2016.
High pulse pressure confers elevated risk for adverse CV outcomes and enables refinement of prognostication beyond mean arterial pressure, according to new data from the REACH registry.
In a new study, low-dose chlorthalidone was associated with further reductions in mean 24-hour BP compared with low-dose hydrochlorothiazide in patients with stage 1 hypertension.
For prevention of ischemic stroke, dabigatran and warfarin were associated with similar outcomes in real-world patients with nonvalvular atrial fibrillation, but dabigatran was associated with increased risk for gastrointestinal bleeding in elderly adults, according to new data published in Circulation: Cardiovascular Quality and Outcomes.