Daily chocolate consumption may improve insulin levels

Adults who consume chocolate daily are more likely to have lower insulin resistance and liver enzyme levels, according to study findings presented at the Epidemiology and Prevention/Lifestyle Scientific Sessions in Phoenix.

RSC President Prof. Evgeny Shlyakhto made a presentation on the ESC Spring Summit 2016

Prof. Evgeny Shlyakhto gave a report on successful experience of the Russian Society of Cardiology on attracting new members and building an effective work system with regional offices of the Society.

LMCmed Forum 2016 - A Forum of Leadership & Management in Cardiovascular Medicine - will be held on June 16-18, 2016

LMCmed Forum 2016 - A Forum of Leadership & Management in Cardiovascular Medicine will take place on June 16-18, 2016 in Vienna, Austria.

Free webinar of the European Society of Cardiology "Myocardial contrast echocardiography in the clinical practice" on February 18, 2016

Schedule and more information on upcoming webinars is available on http://www.escardio.org/Congresses-&-Events/Webinars/Upcoming-webinars

ESC Congress 2016: Pre-arranged programme, Call for Abstracts and 150 Educational Grants

ESC Congress 2016 Pre-arranged programme is now available online! You can find a first overview of the programme already available now in the Scientific Programme & Planner.

RSC Working Group of Young Cardiologists launched new online service "Rating of young cardiologists"

This rating will help to choose the best from young specialists.

В рамках исследования EMPA REG OUTCOME® эмпаглифлозин продемонстрировал превосходство для первичной конечной сердечно-сосудистой точки и значительное снижение сердечно-сосудистой смертности у пациентов с сахарным диабетом 2-го типа

Эмпаглифлозин - единственный препарат для лечения сахарного диабета 2-го типа, который продемонстрировал снижение риска возникновения сердечно-сосудистых событий и уровня смертности от сердечно-сосудистых заболеваний (ССЗ).
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