Adults who consume chocolate daily are more likely to have lower insulin resistance and liver enzyme levels, according to study findings presented at the Epidemiology and Prevention/Lifestyle Scientific Sessions in Phoenix.
Prof. Evgeny Shlyakhto gave a report on successful experience of the Russian Society of Cardiology on attracting new members and building an effective work system with regional offices of the Society.
LMCmed Forum 2016 - A Forum of Leadership & Management in Cardiovascular Medicine will take place on June 16-18, 2016 in Vienna, Austria.
Schedule and more information on upcoming webinars is available on http://www.escardio.org/Congresses-&-Events/Webinars/Upcoming-webinars
ESC Congress 2016 Pre-arranged programme is now available online! You can find a first overview of the programme already available now in the Scientific Programme & Planner.
This rating will help to choose the best from young specialists.
Эмпаглифлозин - единственный препарат для лечения сахарного диабета 2-го типа, который продемонстрировал снижение риска возникновения сердечно-сосудистых событий и уровня смертности от сердечно-сосудистых заболеваний (ССЗ).