These teams will receive travel grants to the Russian National Congress of Cardiology in Ekaterinburg, where the final of the competition will be held.
Фотовыставка «Женщины России говорят «Да!» здоровому сердцу!»; А.С. Галявич выбран "Врачом года" в Татарстане; Можно ли вылечить гипертонию с помощью операции?; В Государственную Думу внесены новые законопроекты о телемедицине;Г.П. Арутюнов: "Жара - испытание для сердца и сосудов" и др.
European Association of Cardiovascular Imaging (EACVI) is a branch of European Society of Cardiology (ESC) and the leading International network on Cardiovascular Imaging. It is a vibrant community comprising experts in Echocardiography, Cardiovascular Magnetic Resonance, Nuclear Cardiology and Cardiac CT.
On June 15th, 2016 a photo installation "Women of Russia say "YES" to a healthy heart!" reached St.Petersburg and was opened on the Field of Mars in the city center.
The second cycle of expert training for the professional and public accreditation of educational programs began on June 15th.