The first symposium within the EURObservational Research Programme (EORP)

On January 30-31, 2018 the 1st EORP symposium was held in the European Heart House, Sophia Antipolis (France).

Russian cardiologists had submitted the most number of abstracts to the upcoming European Heart failure congress

The Board of the Russian Society of Cardiology encourages specialists to take part in the Heart Failure Congress that will take place in Vienna, Austria on May 26-29, 2018.

Travel grants for authors of best abstracts on the 10th Annual Scientific Session of the Korean Heart Rhythm Society

The 10th Annual Scientific Session of the Korean Heart Rhythm Society (KHRS 2018) will be held June 8-9, 2018 in Seoul, Republic of Korea.

СМИ о РКО - январь 2018

Эксперт: медучреждения не потеряют от снижения тарифа на диспансеризацию; Российские и китайские кардиологи обсудят болезни сердца в Уфе; Ваше здоровье: Когда на улице холодно; Российская медицина находится в предреволюционном состоянии и др.

Abstract submission to the Russian National Congress of Cardiology 2018 is closed

Abstract submission to the Russian National Congress of Cardiology is closed. The Congress will take place in Moscow on September 25-28, 2018.

Special discount is now available for international attendees of ACC.18 67th Annual Scientific Session and Expo on March 10-12, 2018 in Orlando, USA

International members and non-members can receive a 25% discount effective as of February 1, 2018.

Russian Cardiovascular Days has been accredited by the EACCME®

The VI Global Educational Forum “Russian Cardiovascular Days”, Saint-Petersburg, Russia,19/04/2018-21/04/2018
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